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Personal Injury Attorney in Charleston, SC

An unexpected accident can turn your life upside down. Injuries, medical bills, and lost wages can create a financial and emotional burden that feels impossible to overcome. At the Law Office of Alexander Woods, LLC in Charleston, SC, we are dedicated to helping you secure the compensation you deserve so you can focus on healing and recovery.

Types of Personal Injury Cases We Handle

  1. Motor Vehicle Accidents: Whether you were a driver, passenger, or pedestrian, if you’ve been injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, we can help you pursue a claim.
  2. Slip/Trip and Fall: Property owners have a duty to maintain safe premises. If you were injured due to hazardous conditions on someone else’s property, we can assist you in seeking compensation.
  3. Injured by a Drunk Driver: Accidents caused by impaired drivers often result in severe injuries. We are committed to holding these drivers accountable for their reckless actions.
  4. Wrongful Death Lawsuits: Losing a loved one due to another person’s negligence is devastating. We provide compassionate and determined representation to help you seek justice and compensation for your loss.

Why Choose Us

Attorney Alexander W. Tesoriero is an experienced personal injury lawyer who fights tirelessly for his clients. Here’s what sets us apart:

  1. Thorough Investigation: We conduct a comprehensive investigation to gather evidence and build a strong case on your behalf.
  2. Negotiation Skills: We have the expertise to negotiate effectively with insurance companies to ensure you receive the maximum compensation.
  3. Trial Experience: If a fair settlement cannot be reached, we are fully prepared to take your case to court and advocate for your rights before a judge and jury.

The Process

  1. Consultation: Contact us to discuss your case. We’ll evaluate the details and determine the best course of action.
  2. Investigation: We’ll gather all necessary evidence, including medical records, accident reports, and witness statements.
  3. Negotiation: We’ll negotiate with the responsible party’s insurance company to secure a fair settlement.
  4. Litigation: If necessary, we’ll take your case to trial to fight for the compensation you deserve.

Contact Us

If you’ve been injured in an accident in Charleston, SC, don’t wait to seek legal help. Contact the Law Office of Alexander Woods LLC, today for a free consultation. Let us fight for your right to compensation so you can focus on what matters most—your recovery.
